Garri Holness
No10 snub for our crusade
News of the World (London, England) - October 23, 2005
Author/Byline: Keith GladdisSection: Home news Page: 14
TONY Blair SNUBBED survivors and relatives of 7/7 victims when they delivered a 10,000-strong petition to Downing Street.
Led by Garri Holness, 37, who lost part of his leg, and Dania Gorodi, whose sister Michelle Otto died in the blast, the group carried boxes stuffed with petitions from News of the World readers direct to the Prime Minister's door. But he REFUSED to see them.
They were joined by Kim Beer, 47, who lost her son Phil, 22; Patrick Barnes, a friend of Phil's who was also hurt in the blasts; and John Taylor, 56, whose daughter Carrie, 24, was killed.No 10 knew the delegation were coming but ignored requests for a brief meeting with the PM.
Angry Dania DEMANDED an audience with Tony Blair, who was working inside.She told the cop on the door: "We want him to accept these boxes from us. I'm prepared to wait."
Eventually she was allowed in, but only to see two of the PM's staff.
Dania, 48, added: "While I was waiting at home for my sister's body parts, Tony Blair was on holiday in Barbados. There is great apathy on his part but I think he's going to do something about compensation now." The News of the World campaign is demanding immediate pay- outs for victims with a guarantee of financial security within six months.
Many families will receive in region of Pounds 5,500 to Pounds 11,000 for a lost loved one. We also want terror victims to get legal parity with victims in civil cases lifting the current Pounds 500k ceiling on awards.