Garri Holness
'I really don't know where to start'
the most important thing is to find an activity that you enjoy so that you will keep doing it. join a friend at your local gym, try an exercise class, don't be afraid of trying new and unfamiliar activities as these can ofton surprise you and leave you wanting more. ( i have played sitting volleyball it is a fanastic sport great for stamina and your core) Find like minded people to exercise with in your area as you will motivate each other. Also visit WWW.parasport.org.uk for more information on what sports are available for disable people and to help you find local sports clubs.
'I just don't have the time'
many people live hectic lifestyle that are busy with both work and family commitments. Not having sufficient time to exerciseis a genuine concern. Difficulties with travel can make your trip to an exercise venue annoyingly long or expensive and so it is important to consider where else you might be able to exercise. As you could workout at your local park or even in your own home/garden. As little as 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity a day, five times a week is enough to help you get physically and mentally fit. A quick session before work after work or during lunch time.
'My local facility isn't accessible'
Accessible is a common issue faced by disabled people. However, you do not necessarily need a gym or leisure centre to become more active. You can do lots of exercise with minimal equipment in many different environment such as in your home or at the park.
However, if you do fancy the gym, the inclusive Fitness initiative (IFI) has an application where you can find a local club that has accessible equipement for disabled people. Visit www.efds.co.uk/inclusive_fitness/ifi_gyms
'I feel too tired to exercise'
If this sounds like you then consider when it is that you are most tired. If it's in the evening after work, try to exercise in the early morning or during your lunch break. if you feel most fatigued first thing in the morning simply plan to do your exercise later in the day. It is worth remembering that regular exercise can actually reduce fatigue and help you sleep better. After a few regular physical activity you should notice your energy levels improve.
'I've always been rubbish at exercise and sports'
You may have dislike P.E at school because of the emphasis on competitive sports,the group atmosphere, a
lack of choice or that age old classic of being pick last. it maybe hard to forget these feelings but remember
that as an adult you can choose exactly what type of exercise and/or sports you do, who you do it with,when
and also whether you do it with, when and weather you do it for leisure or competitively; you are in control!
Find the type of exercise that you enjoy and will hopefully prolong your involvement.