Garri Holness
Hero walks tall - Exclusive
News of the World (London, England) - September 18, 2005
Author/Byline: Ross Hindley Section: Home news Page: 33
Courageous blast victim Garri gets his new leg.
BRAVE 7/7 amputee Garri Holness WALKS out of hospital in a defiant stand against the terrorists who blew his life apart.
Balancing on a training device that could see him walking unaided within weeks, Garri left the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead last week. He told us: "This is the first stage to regaining my independence and it feels great."
Garri, 36, became a symbol of hope when the News of the World pictured him three weeks ago taking his first steps on crutches. His bravery and positive attitude touched the nation's heart.
In an emotional message just days after the attacks, he declared: "I will not be beaten. I'm going to stand firm and get through it."
And he has lived up to his word. Stunned doctors say the ad exec, who lost part of his left leg in the King's Cross attack, has made an "amazing" recovery. They'll be fitting him with three artificial limbs-one for sport, one for everyday use and a waterproof one - within weeks. And they are confident he will be walking unaided soon after.
Sports-mad Garri, from Croydon, South London, is already looking ahead. He said: "I can't wait to kick a football around again or get back down the gym training.
"I might even run the London Marathon one day."